500+ teachers watched and voted online. Four teacher “sharks” circled the tank with tough questions about impact, implementation, innovation, and results. And…
Lessoncast survived and won the first-ever virtual shark tank hosted by Edsurge in collaboration with the Gates Foundation. Lessoncast competed with two other professional development (PD) edtech companies to pitch how our PD innovation provides personalized teacher learning experiences to help teachers truly grow in their practice.
While pitching LIVE online was a nail-biting experience, ultimately Cofounder and CEO, Nicole Tucker-Smith had a blast. The teacher sharks, who not only listened to the company presentation but also experienced the tools through free trial accounts, asked smart questions and clearly showed their commitment to finding meaningful tools to improve learning.
We were honored to participate, excited to win, and eager to share our lessons learned in designing personalized PD that moves learning forward. Download our free e-book, POP PD, subtitled, “Lessons learned from our quest to design professional development that teachers don’t hate and that actually makes a difference for students.”